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Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Free Dowload Gorillacam Application For Smartphones

Free Dowload Gorillacam Application For Smartphones

Punya smartphone tapi minim aplkasi keren. Nih cobain aplikasi keren yang memanfaatkan fitur camera dalam smartphone anda. Seperti fitur anti goncangan atau anti-shake sehingga foto yang dihasilkan lebih jelas dan gak kabur.

Fitur lainnya adalah pengatur otomatis (self timer).The self-timer is another important addition, and a lot of people will make use of its digital zoom function. An on-screen button is present to take snaps, but as with a lot of games, it’s easy for your finger to stray.

Selain itu 3 shot burst yang mampu memnuat 3 foto dalam 1 kali jepretan. Serta fitur unlimited rapid fire yaitu memotret banyak momen dalam waktu singkat.

So, you can expect the company’s free iPhone camera app replacement to be equally innovative - and indeed it is.

Dowload Here

Free Dowload Gorillacam Application For Smartphones Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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